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This is the fight for FREEDOM, for LIBERTY, for our CONSTITUTION, and for our Nation's SAFETY

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Jack Pratt

President's February Remarks

Early Voting started today, so get out and vote early. If you know someone who needs a ride, help get them to the polls.

After three years of investigations, sham hearings, sham votes, political theater, lie after lie by the democrats, and wasted taxpayer dollars by the house democrats, the President Donald J. Trump was ACQUITTED by the United States Senate.

And, what a great State of the Union address by President.

We all saw Nancy Pelosi’s actions at the end of President Trump’s State of the Union address…

By ripping up the president’s speech on national television, her shameful actions disrespected the honored heroes, she showed disrespect to a 100-year old WWII veteran and true America hero.

It is pure insanity that we live in an age where one party can openly admit they are simply afraid that they can’t win the next election, and so, they’re using OUR government to take out their opposition! If it were up to them, they’d call off elections for good and just decide themselves who gets to be in power!

You know our President fought back together and it’s up to you and I to follow his leadership.

Socialism appears to be on the rise in our country, especially among the young and on college campuses across America, all of our young people are being convinced that socialism works.

If we let the hard left communist democrats go unchecked, it means higher taxes, socialized healthcare, gun control, losing the Supreme Court... and it only get worse.

The longer we sit in silence, the more credibility we give Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler.

We need to ban together and make a loud statement in defiance of the Left’s disgusting abuse of our Constitution, and we need to make it quickly.

Trump's Average Unemployment Rate Is The Lowest In Recorded History. President Trump starts off his reelection year having presided over a lower average unemployment rate than any president at a comparable point in office in recorded history. The December jobs report showed 2019 ended with over 2.1 million new jobs thanks to President Trump.

There is no denying all Americans are continuing to benefit from the Trump economy. In December, the African American unemployment rate was at 5.9%. In 2019, the African American unemployment rate hit a record low and remained below 7% for the entire year.

In December, the Hispanic American unemployment rate remained at a near-record low of 4.2%. In December, the Asian American unemployment rate was 2.5%, near a historic low and the adult women’s unemployment rate hit 3.2%, the lowest since 1953. Wage growth remained strong and for 22 consecutive months remained near or above 3%.

President Trump is continuing to deliver on his promise to revitalize the American economy. It was announced this past week that since the President took office, over 7 million people have come off food stamps.

The USMCA. trade agreement includes strong protections for intellectual property. It cuts the red tape that has prevented small businesses from tapping into foreign markets. And it accounts for e-commerce and digital products as these products continue to make up a larger portion of our economy.

The USMCA will also protect market access for the agriculture industry. We have more farms and ranches than any other state, and the annual economic impact of Texas agriculture totals about $100 billion.

Texas has the 10th-largest economy in the world, and is the engine behind much of our country’s trade.

Their real objective is to defeat President Trump next year so they can implement their socialist agenda.

The democrats want to take to away our guns, open up our borders, government-run health care, job-killing energy mandates, and to pack the Supreme Court with more communist like agendas.

President Trump Is Keeping America Safe

President Trump has continued to take a strong stand against terrorism and protect American interests.

In a strong statement from the White House, President Trump made it clear “Iran will not have a nuclear weapon” as long as he is President.

You must be a powerful fighter for liberty. You must be a confident champion of justice. And you must never lose faith in our values, our nation, our destiny, and in our grace and the glory of Almighty God.

Dems are not targeting at the household level

Bottom line: we are in a registration war with Democrats as well as a GOTV war. The VEP registration process is more targeted and accurate than Register2Vote’s and costs are comparable

Texas becomes first state to opt out of refugee resettlement under new Trump order

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has told the Trump administration that he doesn't want Texas to participate in the federal government's refugee resettlement program, making his state the first to opt out.

Gov Abbott told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that "Texas cannot consent to initial refugee resettlement" for fiscal year 2020, saying that the state already has enough on its plate to deal with.

Almost exactly sixty years ago since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered his message to the UN; … prediction for America.

TV coverage of him banging his shoe on the podium. At that time, the word ‘communism’ was feared throughout our nation.


"Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State? There are 8 levels of control; here is the recipe.

1)   Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

2)   Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor

Sounds just like the Democrat agenda!

Have you heard of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee? Since Barack Obama left office, his Attorney General, Eric Holder, has made a pet project out of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), a group whose objective is to steal Conservative seats in Congress, local elections down the ballot, and re-shape the electoral map for a generation; Obama even took the step to merge his Organizing for Action – the remnants of his presidential campaign committee -- with the NDRC.

The NRDC is a fundamental threat to the future of the Republican Party and must be stopped.

We need block walkers and phone back volunteers. Please volunteer for one or both of the committees. Go online or sign up in the back of the room.