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A major victory for election integrity! The U.S Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upheld Alabama’s Photo Voter Identification Law, which was under constant attack by the Left. .

The Court of Appeals agreed  that Voter ID laws are good policy for lawful voters. Voter ID and clean voter rolls are two of our most important battlegrounds to block voter fraud and keep our elections honest!



Today- Articles to Read

Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for reelection on.

Read more!

Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cut

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

Read more!

Justice Brett Kavanaugh demonstrated Thursday before the Senate’s Judiciary Committee why he should be on the U.S. Supreme Court. Referring to Article II of the Constitution, Justice Kavanaugh said Democrats “have replaced ‘advice and consent’ with ‘search and destroy.'”

President Donald Trump delivered a defining United Nations speech spotlighting “America First” on September 25, 2018. Central to his address was the message that America will not bend to the whim of globalization nor partake in other initiatives where America loses its sovereignty...

...President Trump has demonstrated that the policy of “America First” can lead a community of nations with divergent philosophies toward peace.

The world has witnessed the Democrats in the act of lies, cheats and attempts to steal a good honorable person’s reputation. They cast facts, truth, honor, and integrity aside in what U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz rightly called “one of the most shameful chapters in the history of the U.S. Senate.”

We must vote against the Democrats to prevent these acts of behavior to become business as usual.

Democrats don’t want a fair Kavanaugh hearing — they want a circus

Democrats on Tuesday proved they’re not out to carefully consider Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. They just want to use it as the pretext to keep the circus running for weeks. Read more

Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it. President Donald Trump is more than 19 months into an administration engulfed in so much controversy that it may overshadow a tremendous achievement, namely an economic boom uniquely his. Read more

Yesterday's Senate hearing on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court demonstrated Democrats –
elected officials and activists alike – are more interested in political posturing than judicial philosophy. Bereft of legitimate governing ideas, Democrats today only seem able to offer petty obstructionism mixed with threats of violence.

They screamed. They interrupted. They were nasty -- all in front of Judge Kavanaugh’s kids who were there to proudly watch their father’s historic Supreme Court hearing begin

The Democrat resistance mob HIJACKED the Supreme Court confirmation process today.

Police reports detail Beto O'Rourke's 1998 DWI arrest

State and local police reports obtained by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News...

New details are being released about Texas Senate Democratic nominee Beto O’Rourke’s arrest 20 years ago for drunken driving, including how a witness at the time reportedly said O’Rourke attempted to flee the scene after crashing his car.

The Houston Chronicle published police reports from O’Rourke’s September 1998 DWI arrest in Texas near the New Mexico border. The records, according to the paper, indicate the incident was a “more serious threat to public safety than has previously been reported.”

"Illegals Should NOT Vote” Action Toolkit
 Texas Grassroots Army Leaders & Activists:
Time is running out.  With Early Voting only 54 days away, state officials have known about the thousands of illegally registered voters for a long time, but have not acted.  At least six elections (Primary, Primary Runoff, local municipal/school board/community college/bond elections and special elections) have come and gone and nothing has been done to remove illegally registered people from Texas voter rolls. There is no excuse for this inaction.

The US economy grew even faster than previously reported in the second quarter, strongest quarter since 2014

US economic growth in the second quarter revised higher on stronger business investment

The US economy in the second quarter grew even faster than had been previously estimated, acc...

US consumer confidence rises to 18-year high

Americans’ consumer confidence rose in August to the highest level in nearly 18 years as their assessment of current conditions improved further and their expectations about the future rebounded.

Read More

Judge Kavanaugh can be trusted to safeguard our First Amendment rights

President Trump should be commended for his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, an abundantly qualified and impartial judge, to the Supreme Court.

Read More Here

Regulations being cut at record pace, savings double

Federal agencies, led by Labor and Health and Human Services, are cutting Obama-era regulations and saving money faster than demanded by President Trump, according to a new report.

Read More Here

Today- Things to Know:

Rebuilding our military

·     President Trump is signing the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019, authorizing $716 billion for national defense. 

·     The Administration worked in close partnership with Congress to complete the NDAA.

·     This is the earliest in the year Congress has completed an NDAA in over two decades. 

·     The NDAA helps develop a more lethal and resilient force, and grows the size of our forces by authorizing an increase of 15,600 troops across the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.   

·     The NDAA authorizes end strengths of 487,500 in the Army; 335,400 in the Navy; 186,100 in the Marine Corps; and 329,100 in the Air Force. 

·     The NDAA authorizes $7.6 billion to procure 77 F-35 fighter jets and $24.1 billion to fund the construction of 13 new battle force ships and accelerates funding for several future ships.

Standing with Allies and Partners

·     The FY 2019 NDAA authorizes funds for critical operations and defense engagements and activities with our allies and partners. 

·     The NDAA keeps faith with President Trump’s full-hearted support of Israel, authorizing $500 million for the co-development and co-production of missile defense systems.

·     Funds authorized by the NDAA will help the United States and its partners continue the fight to destroy ISIS, including $850 million to train and equip Iraqi Security Forces.  

·     The NDAA will strengthen the efforts of the United States to bolster the defenses of its European partners, including $250 million dedicated to security assistance for Ukraine.

Help is on the way for Americans facing high drug prices

·     The “American Patients First” blueprint has a few important principles to guide the Administration’s plan of action:

·     Encouraging innovation, such as by streamlining the approval process for over-the-counter drugs

·     Promoting real price competition, including by advancing “biosimilars” and generics where appropriate

·     Addressing foreign freeloading, including the practice of subsidizing countries that use socialized healthcare to offload costs on Americans

·     The plan: See President Trump’s “American Patients First” blueprint


An update on Judge Brett Kavanaugh

·     Senate leaders plan to hold a vote on President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, by early fall. Meanwhile, a diverse group of legal scholars, editorial boards, and public figures have called for his swift confirmation.

·     “Judge Kavanaugh has an exemplary record that suggests he will help to restore the Supreme Court to its proper, more modest role in American politics and society,” The Wall Street Journal’s editors write. His 300-some decisions on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia “reflect a great allegiance to the words of the Constitution,” the Chicago Tribune adds.

·     Most important, he receives rave reviews from those who know him best: his former students and fellow members of the legal community. “I’m a liberal feminist lawyer,” Lisa Blatt writes. “Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar.”

·     Read more: What to know about President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee



The Absurdity of "Trump/Cruz Can't Win" / source:
Have we not all learned that this is a terrible year for broad pronouncements? The past months are littered with the failed assertions of oh-so-smart people who just knew they had everything figured out.
Trump is a joke. No, wait, he’s inevitable. He’s out of control. No, now he’s more disciplined, He’s got this. No, he’s a loose cannon.Cruz has no chance to be the nominee. No, wait, now he has the inside track. His campaign operation has too many flaws. No, now they are the smart ones with the best delegate roundup skills. more


November 5, 2014/ Associated Press / After Republican rout, Obama tells voters: 'I hear you'
Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama acknowledged on Wednesday that "Republicans had a good night" with sweeping election victories in Congress and said he got a message from voters that it was his responsibility to break a Washington gridlock. Republicans seized control of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday's election and captured their biggest majority in the House of Representatives in more than 60 years. The party also won more than half of the 36 governors' races. "As president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work," the president, a Democrat, said at a White House news conference. "So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you." more

November 2, 2014/William E. Brown, III/ From the President!
November 4, 2014, a sudden instance of success describes the nationwide Republican Victory. No way! It happened over several months; the hard work of grassroots Republican efforts. Republicans gain 8 seats in the U.S. Senate with Louisiana in a runoff, 12 seats in the U.S. House with 2 in a runoff, and 3 more Governors. In Texas, Republicans sweep all statewide positions. In Dallas County, Republican Susan Hawk wins DA race. In Dallas County, the momentum is a building block for 2016. Continued effort by the Grassroots can turn Dallas County RED. Enjoy the success and keep working.

October 26, 2014/ ACTION ALERT/ Visit: Action Alert, Dallas County Republican Party

January 28, 2014/ Associated Press / FACT CHECK: Obama's planned executive orders would accomplish less than meets the eye.
WASHINGTON – President Obama promised to clear red tape away from highway projects that actually are stalled because there's no money for them, not because rules are in the way. He's ordering a higher minimum wage for a sliver of the workforce, which affects no one now and not many later. Going it alone -- without Congress making a law -- just doesn't go as far as Obama made it sound at times Tuesday night in his State of the Union speech. And when he talked about his health care law -- a source of Obama misstatements in the past -- he hit another fact bump. A look at some of the facts and political circumstances behind his claims, along with a glance at the Republican response: more


January 14, 2013/ Michael R. Huebner, M.B.A., J.D. / Republicans Must Never Surrender
Republicans lost a battle with the reelection of Obama to a second term, but now is not the time to surrender. Liberal Democrats are waging war on the America way of life. They are relentless in attacking our freedoms, and they don’t seem to care that their policies are spending our country into oblivion. more

Thank you letter from George W. Bush – “Thank you for your well wishes, I appreciate you thinking of more


August 2, 2012 / Michael R. Huebner, M.B.A., J.D. / It’s Time to Support our Republican Candidates
The primaries are now over. It is time to put aside any differences we might have and give our full support to the Republican candidates that we chose to represent us. As usual, the primary battles were tough. In the presidential race, we endured seemingly countless debates in a war of attrition before Mitt Romney became our presumptive nominee. The race for Texas senator was marked by vicious mudslinging, and some might say outright distortions of the truth, before Ted Cruz came out on top. more

Irving Day (click for photo) – Bleary eyed past and current GIRC Presidents hold GIRC banner at 5AM Irving Day event while Irving City Councilman Gerald Farris lurks in the background.

May 2, 2012 / Michael R. Huebner, M.B.A., J.D. / The Future of America is Not Lost
I write this article from the perspective of having recently been a Judge at the Irving Classic Speech and Debate Tournament for home-schooled teens as well as hosting a debate given by a group of Speak Out North Texas teens at our May, 2012, Greater Irving Republican Club meeting. To say that these young men and women are impressive is an understatement. With a minimum of preparation, these debaters were well spoken, intelligent, and presented coherent, well-organized arguments. When the meeting was over, many of us were asking ourselves “were you doing anything like that at age fifteen?” more

January, 2012 / Michael R. Huebner, M.B.A., J.D. / Embrace the Republican Primary Season
The primaries bring a mixture of excitement and angst to Republicans. On both the national and local levels, our candidates are out on the campaign trail. They are touting all of their personal and professional qualities as well as their achievements. Candidates are knocking on doors, making phone calls, and attending any event they can to make their candidacy known and secure our votes. more


March 6, 2011 / Don VanSlyke / A TRUE VOTE is needed in Dallas County
Is there voter fraud in Dallas County? Eighteen years ago as an election judge, I felt certain that the answer was no. Today, my answer is yes. Some increased opportunity for fraudulent activity is because of a widespread desire for voting convenience, modernization, and access. Unfortunately in Dallas County, something far more sinister is afoot. more or (PDF)

January, 2011 / Submitted by Oscar Ward / I am a Republican because...
I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored. more


September 21, 2010 / Doug Harper / Treasures Hiding In Plain Sight
You live in Irving because you moved here for an opportunity at a better life; you landed a job here, or knew someone that recommended the area or found it geographically convenient. All of these are common reasons folks move to this area today and have been since the mid 1800. more or

September 9, 2010 / State Senator Florence Shapiro / Washington, D.C. Politicians Now Going After Texas Classrooms – Why They Must Be Stopped
From Washington, D.C., Congress aimed a canon at the heart of Texas. In what has become a regular attack on Texas by liberals in Washington, the latest development is unbelievable and disappointing because it has come from Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin) and his fellow Texas Democrat colleagues.. more or (PDF)

August 2, 2010 / Kensley Stewart/ Precinct Chairs for HD-105 For an updated listing of the Precinct Chairs for HD-105 here

July 31, 2010 / Don VanSlyke / Why Vote Straight Republican?
I am a conservative, and when it comes to politics one question always sneaks into my mind… WHY? One reason that many people give is that in Dallas County, the “Democrats are doing it”. In 2006, over 15,000 more straight-ticket democrats voted than straight-ticket Republicans. more

July 13, 2010 / Oscar Ward / Election 2010
I know the following will be like the old saying “preaching to the choir”, but it could not be more important at this time. Every level of our great Nation, State, and County needs our enthusiastic support – the Republican Vote! more